Steps to learn python


Learn python programming

Python an open-source programming language that is very simple. Python is an advance high-level programming language. It helps us to make GUIs, APIs, UIs, android applications, IOS applications, Games, Machine learning, Deep learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and simple logic programs.

Its learning is very easy. Simple built ‘functions. a short program and large output. Fewer lines of codes = more output Functionality. It run also in a mobile applications such as apps that help to run python interpreter in android mobile is Pyandroid, Termux, etc. Many famous applications and search engines are made with the help of Python programming such as Google, Space agency of USA NASA, Linux also uses python, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.

Python covering almost all things, in python We can make many things. Such certain things are made with the help of python programming:

1 – Desktop application

2 – Mobile application (android & iOS)

3 – windows forum

4 – Management systems

5 – Hacking are also done with help of python programming

6 – Games

7- Cracking

8 – Operating system

9= and so on…….

Version of python programming

The first python version is Python 2.0 and version are increasing yearly or monthly but python 2 has no more Important functions or logic. Then a person who done many important changes in python2 and introduced Python 3.0. The programming language Python was considered in the last part of the 1980s, and its usage was begun in December 1989 by Guido van Rossum at CWI in the Netherlands as a replacement to ABC fit for exemption taking care of and interfacing with the Amoeba working framework.

Python is a broadly utilized universally useful, significant-level programming language. It was at first planned by Guido van Rossum in 1991 and created by Python Software Foundation. It was fundamentally produced for accentuation on code meaningfulness, and its sentence structure permits software engineers to communicate ideas in fewer lines of code.

Learning python programming

Python is a very easy language for absolute beginners. We organize the steps of learning python as given below section:

        1 – Introduction

        2 – Print function

        3 – Strings

        4 – Variables

        5 – Lists

        6 – Sets
        7 – Dictionaries

        8 –loops

        9 – if else statements

        10 - Functions

        11 – object-oriented programming

        12 – Inheritance

        13 – Advance python programing

        14 – Advance python programing2

        15 – and so on….

    This link helps you to learn python programming:


